Getting Started Guide

    Now that your first sync is complete, there are few things you will need to do.

    Review Your First Sync: Running a Profit and Loss Report in QBO is a great way to see how FlexBooks has categorized your income (exactly as you have set it up in MBO!)

    Learn how to match credit card deposits: Credit card transactions are deposited as batches to your QBO Bank. You will need to match these to your bank feed deposit.

    When you match transactions, you are telling QBO that the bank feed deposits are exactly the same as the FlexBooks-created deposits. This is how QBO knows not to count them twice.

    You can locate and match these deposits under the Banking > For Review tab

    Learn how to handle Cash and Check Transactions: Cash and Check transactions are deposited to your Undeposited Funds Account. You will need to manually deposit them to your bank. 

    To do so, follow these steps:

    1. From the gear icon in the top right corner, add a Bank Deposit

    2. From the bank deposit screen, first check the boxes next to each check transaction you wish to add to your deposit.

    3 . Then, scroll to the bottom and select "add other funds to this deposit. Select "Cash on Hand" in the account type drop down. Enter the total amount you wish to deposit....and then hit "Save and Close"

    *if you ever want to see each individual cash transaction, you can review them from your Cash on Hand Account in QBO.

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